
How to Modify Gravity Forms Country by Hook

This example demonstrates how to limit the country drop down to only a few select countries. This example demonstrates how to add new countries to the list.


How To Make Cart Price Custom HTML

To make the cart price display custom HTML in WooCommerce, you can use a filter hook provided by WooCommerce called woocommerce_cart_item_price. This hook allows you to modify the price output of items in the cart with your own custom HTML. Here is an example code snippet you can use to get started: Either you can […]


WooCommerce Structured Data Product

WooCommerce provides structured data for products out-of-the-box, which can help search engines like Google better understand and display information about your products in search results. Here’s how to access and customize the structured data for products in WooCommerce: To use these filters, you can add your own functions to your theme’s functions.php file or a […]


Hot to Register Widget in WordPress by Hook

To register a widget in WordPress using a hook, you can use the widgets_init hook. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to register a custom widget:


How to add breadcrumb in wordpress without plugin

Adding breadcrumbs to a WordPress website without using a plugin can be done by creating a custom function and adding it to your theme’s functions.php file. Here’s an example of how to do this: This function uses WordPress conditionals to determine what type of page is being displayed and generates the breadcrumb trail accordingly. This […]


How To Convert HTML Bootstrap Menu In WordPress

We are going to make WordPress menu int bootstrap menu by walker class. first define class and called walker following code in function.php file After the extending walker class, we will add classes and attribute in anchor tag by “nav_menu_link_attributes” Filter. for a you have to use it as per following code. Calling walker In […]